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Yes, Girls Trip specializes planning bespoke Girls' vacations. Contact our customer service team now and create a unique travel experience that fits your interests and budget.
The required documents vary depending on your departure airport and citizenship. However, most international travel requires a valid passport and potentially a visa.
For more information;
Dubai can be enjoyed all year round as it is built and developed with precisely that in mind. The best time to visit though, is during the cooler months, from October to April. This allows you to enjoy both outdoor (great beaches and more) and indoor activities as much as you like. May to September tend to be the hotter months, and therefore, activities may be limited to mostly indoors and evenings if you want to go outdoors.
After booking and paying for your holiday, you are mostly set, but there's a few things we recommend that you consider.
All of your main meals will be included in your Girls Trip package, unless specified otherwise.
No. Unless you are going into a government building or visiting a Holy mosque, you can wear your usual clothing, anywhere.